About us: Projekt Albertissimo

We are a climbing start-up that specialises in asymmetric training. Our mobile hangboard is a multi-talent and offers numerous new training options.



Our story

🧗‍♂️ We, Esteban and Christoph, are two climbing-enthusiastic students from the Franconian Jura. Inspired by the local climbing and training culture, we came up with the idea for a training device - our centrepiece, which is now the Albertissimo.

🚀 It all started when Christoph saw a balance board after an extensive bouldering session and thought it would be fun to build something that could be used to balance a pull-up. Thinking about this idea, he realised that this would require a weight shift. The result was a device with which you can balance on one side and which has grooves on the other side - but not yet in the form you know today.

🌿 After the realisation of balancing turned out to be too difficult, this side was eliminated and the serrated edge remained. The idea then flitted around in Christoph's head for a while until we built a prototype as part of a university project.

💪 We have now set ourselves the task of developing the potential of the Albertissimo and asymmetric training and passing it on to as many climbing enthusiasts as possible.

We hope we can inspire you and wish you lots of training success!

woman in gray tank top and black pants climbing on brown rock

Get in touch with us

We are an innovative climbing start-up with a unique mobile hangboard.

Climbing Startup

Welcome to our online shop for climbing equipment. Discover our mobile hangboard for asymmetric training!


Wehneltstrasse 6, 91052 Erlangen